The dawn of the information age has brought its problems with it, and one of the major problems is the ability to focus. The ping of a What’s app message, the need to constantly check the number of likes we got for our Facebook posts, so much so that even when we are driving 70 mph on a highway we can’t resist the temptation to text. Instead of focusing on driving, we end up playing with our own lives and of others on the highway.

Let’s take a look at 7 lifehacks for more focus in our lives.

  1. Switch off Multi-tasking
  2. Multi-tasking, the word itself has become fashionable these days. The root cause of losing focus can be this very thing, instead of doing something that we enjoy and taking pleasure in what we are doing, we end up doing a lot of different things while enjoying none of it.
  3. Get Away from Distractions
  4. The world DID function when there weren’t any cell phones. So for God’s sake, put your phones in silent mode and resist the temptation to constantly check for social media updates when you’re watching a movie, a friend’s dinner party, etc. Cell phones are just one example. The same applies to tablets, computers, the ubiquitous TV, etc, all of which vie for our attention and can distract us in a jiffy.
  5. Set Clear Goals
  6. Being clear about what you set out to do gets half the job done, even before you start it. By meandering about the job and not clearly defining what you are going to do, you lose focus midway and maybe leave the job half done. For example, if you want to clean your house, set a date and say to yourself that you will clean the house and finish the job by 5:00 PM on a Sunday.
  7. Time slot method
  8. Research has shown that you are most productive at a certain time of day, like early morning or late at night. Delegate tasks that are toughest and need most of your attention to these time slots.
  9. Prioritize Work
  10. In your to-do list, set the work that is most important on top and work towards it. If some tasks can wait, let them. Don’t lose focus on your current job by worrying about less important things. 
  11. Take Breaks
  12. If you are not making headway in your current task, walking away from it and coming back to it after some time can get things done. Instead of just breaking your head against a wall, take a break and come back to it with a fresh new perspective.
  13. Exercise
  14. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. It increases the blood flow to your brain, sets you in a positive mood, and helps you stay focused for the day ahead.